Today, my lab supervisor asked me if I intended to do some of my own research in the future. After telling him that I planned to make room (although I can’t really make it fit into my major necessarily), he told me to consider taking part in the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Which pretty much means that I would have to come up with a hypothesis, test it out, make a poster about my findings, and present it to a range of professors and other students.
Which means getting a paper out. As a freshman.
Oh, and he gave me the okay to use any of the data that’s been collected over the past…5 years ago. Stuff ranging to environmental stressors, psychophysiology, psychopathology, etc.
I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW. It sounds like an amazing opportunity. He warned me that it’s a lot of work though, and the Symposium event occurs in around February to April. If I have an idea, I should start researching on it soon.
Oh, the possibilities! I am seriously considering this. Now to research and come up with a hypothesis…