✅ Week 1 of Residency

What a ride.

I’m still trying to process, but the past week has involved so many first’s.

First time hearing myself addressed as, and introducing myself, as “doctor.”

First time prescribing a medication.

First time administering medication.

First time intubating.

First time crying at work.

First time answering, and sending, a page.

First time cross-covering 6 surgical services overnight.

First time answering placing an order–and getting the order wrong.

First time getting paid as a physician!

I’ve learned so much, and am trying to lean into that growth mindset. I can’t wait to see what’s in store.


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Hi there, I'm


I am a resident physician who enjoys writing about her life in between deadlines, kitten cuddles, and caffeine-fueled adventures. I write primarily for myself, but would love to share the journey with you.

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