It took me 38min (or 90+ over 2 days of attempts) to get this pair of contacts on

I feel so justified in delaying this life transition since the 5th grade, my goodness.

But wow, being able to just look out the window and just see is such a trippy experience.


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Hi there, I'm


I am a resident physician who enjoys writing about her life in between deadlines, kitten cuddles, and caffeine-fueled adventures. I write primarily for myself, but would love to share the journey with you.

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A B.S. in Human Biology

requires fewer units than a B.A. in Health and Humanity. What. The temptation to change my  major is unreal.

My Explore SC Interview Experience

I was very fortunate to have been invited to attend the 2-day Explore SC event and interview for USC’s Presidential Scholarship, a half-tuition merit-based scholarship.

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