Midnight Confessions #23
(This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure for more information.) Oh hey, these are back Acne has always been one of my greatest insecurities. I’ve had it since I was 11 (isn’t puberty just glorious), […]
On Giving Thanks
Hey there, it’s been a while. Things have been busy – or rather, my mind as been busy. I always feel like a thousand thoughts are buzzing at once, and the stress of it all often leaves me unproductive overall with bursts of activity (read: cramming). I worry about a lot of things: of Step. […]
M1 and Done ✓
This post is over a week late because just the mere thought of writing it continues to overwhelm me, not to mention the fact that it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. In short: I survived! /endpost But in all serious, what a year it has been. I don’t think I could’ve expected to […]
Hello, 2017.
It’s been a while since I’ve written any sort of yearly reflection, but I think 2016 calls for it. What a year. I tried so hard to write this yesterday and get it out “on time” before 2017 arrives, but I simply couldn’t (and frankly, still can’t) find the words. Personally and professionally, 2016 has […]
One Week In
and I’ve already learned that good coffee is life. It’s been over one month since I’ve moved to Baltimore, and it’s been…a lot. I’ve tried writing about this for a while, but it’s hard to describe so many new experiences. To be honest, I don’t feel the urge to write about it now, but I […]
Good to know you’re mad at me
for getting a stress fever during finals week. You’re not even mad that I’m stressed (or sick, which is also true), but because you think it’s going to cause me to do poorly on my exams. It’s so great to know that my academic performance means more to you than my health and well-being.
“They have the right to protest, but they don’t have the right to stop me from living my life normally.”
No, strong disagree. They have every right. This is not about you. This is not about how they should alter their protests for your convenience. This is them, their frustrations, their voice. Do not take this from them. I can’t believe you complained how if black men are charged and jailed, then they are just […]
My aunt asked my dad if I have been depressed lately. She thinks that I’ve become “really skinny,” and was wondering if I was dealing with relationship issues. She says that I haven’t been smiling as much as I used to. First of all, I was surprised to hear that I’ve gotten any skinner; if […]
Note to self
You need to calm down. To nod off in class at 1PM after having a cup of coffee at noon is not okay. Sleeping for fewer than 6 hours per night is not okay. Health comes first. Everything else will come through.
Academic success and relationships are NOT mutually exclusive.
I don’t know why this is such a difficult concept for my family to understand. They always give me the same spiel about how my grades would drop if I were to date someone, how I would be distracted, I’m not allowed to have a boyfriend until I’m done with school because it would “ruin […]