College is weird.

Or rather, it’s very different from high school.

Like how your peers and professors will actually be impressed if you raise your hand to give the right answer.
And how the guys actually look cute hot decent shirtless.
And how you can feel busier even with fewer class hours.
And how homework seems so much taxing when it isn’t assigned and collected every day. Or even at all.
And how a 100-person lecture hall no longer seems intimidating, and a 50-person lecture seems almost too cozy.
And how some people can party every night and still pull through the workload.
And how I feel behind by not reading ahead enough.
And how exams and midterms seem to be thrown at a constant rate.

But at the same time, college isn’t so different after all.

Like how procrastination still exists.
And how I still fall asleep in math class.
And how I still feel socially awkward, and haven’t yet found my niche.
And how there actually are some ‘cliques,’ in the form of Greek life.
And how I still have to occasionally speedwalk (read: run) to class.
And how grades are still such a priority. (Damn medical admission standards…)
And how extracurriculars are still so important on a resume.
And how true friendships take a long time to form.

College is weird. It’s different. It’s repetitive. It’s downright quirky.

And I love it.


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I am a resident physician who enjoys writing about her life in between deadlines, kitten cuddles, and caffeine-fueled adventures. I write primarily for myself, but would love to share the journey with you.

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I can’t believe they released this egghead into the wild. But in all seriousness, a thousand thank-yous to everyone who helped me on this journey.


to UChicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine! ABSOLUTELY ESCATIC. Also, waitlisted at USC Keck, but let’s ignore that for now.

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