Not going to lie – this hurt more than I expected. Part of me wonders how much of it was me and my answers, rather than the fact that I’ve been appointed to a different position already. Another part wonders if I would be this hurt by the decision if I hadn’t spent the past month falling in love with the opportunities and imagining myself in that role – in a sense, placing all my dreams in that basket. Or maybe it was my mistake to admit that this was my first MARC lololololol.
I’m also trying really hard to fight against my crouching sense of entitlement.
But honestly, I’m lucky. I have been appointed to a wonderful position, and am thrilled with the opportunity to continue serving the AMA in a different capacity. I’ll try to keep my chin up, and am looking forward to the rest of the MSS Leadership to making our section the best it can be.
Update 3/23/19: Okay, I take back everything I said LOL. HI is an absolutely fabulous selection – had I known he was applying, I probably wouldn’t have bothered submitting. I’m honestly thrilled that he was chosen.