Fact: UC or no, planning schedules is always stressful.

Life of a Premed, yeahhhhhhhhhh.

Mom and Dad want me to graduate within 3 years. Not only does this mean that I cannot minor in Art History, but that I also have to take the MCAT by the end of sophomore year.

MCAT “bare basics” classes:

  • 1 year bio
  • 1 year gen chem
  • 1 year physics
  • 1 year ochem

MCAT “recommended” classes:

  • 1 semester molecular bio
  • 1 semester biochem
  • 1 semester genetics/physiology

The “normal” trend for pre-health students here is to take ochem and mol bio together, and then physics by itself. If I want to take the MCAT next year (before the 2015 changes), I’d have to take ochem and physics together, and then do mol bio the following year.

Why not triple lab, you ask? Because I want to stay sane.

I’m not sure when I want to take my second writing class. I could take it next semester, which would create this schedule:

  • OChem A
  • Physics A
  • Intro Stats
  • Writing

Or…I can take it 1st semster junior year (taking it second semester with second semester ochem would kill my GPA), and take the required anthropology course instead… Hmm…

Oh yeah. I’d have to add a possible 8 hr/week internship, 6-10 hr/wk research lab, 20 hr/wk RA position, and possibly 2-5 hr/wk clinical volunteering.

I feel burnt out just thinking about it.


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