No, strong disagree.
They have every right.
This is not about you. This is not about how they should alter their protests for your convenience. This is them, their frustrations, their voice.
Do not take this from them.
I can’t believe you complained how if black men are charged and jailed, then they are just wasting your tax money. Did you really try to compare that with how the system charges black men with murder, yet lets white men–white police officers–go free? Did you really?
“Asians are racially profiled, too. I’m not on the white cops’ side.”
Yes, we are profiled in some things. Like selling bootleg DVDs or evading taxes. If you’re trying to compare this with the blatant racism that black men and women face, then I don’t know what to say to you. And just by being non-black, we are extremely privileged in the way others see us. But privilege seems to be a difficult concept for you to understand.
I’m just done. There’s no point in discussing these issues with you. We’re not going anywhere.