What a year.

2018 was, if nothing else, a wild ride. It was very challenging for me academically and mentally. I struggled to balance life in and beyond medicine.

I learned a lot about myself and what I care about.

I often struggled to prioritize academics (and frankly, the competitiveness of my residency application) in favor of raging at the news on a daily basis.

I met the most incredible people – patients who made me cry with their stories, friends who made me laugh, mentors who dealt with my meltdowns. (Thank you.)

I learned to take a leap of faith, and struggled to not let certain aspects of my life define me.

I don’t know if I will necessarily miss 2018, but I’ll certainly remember it.

Quick Takes


+ Rotations and life on the wards
+ AOC’s primary win
+ Getting more involved in the AMA
+ Attending the wedding in Philly!
+ Spending so much time with so many wholesome people


– Step studying oh god
– Rotation exams
– The political climate as a whole and the infringement of rights for so many
– Not being able to balance med school and life as I probably should
– Figuring out my future oh dear


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I am a resident physician who enjoys writing about her life in between deadlines, kitten cuddles, and caffeine-fueled adventures. I write primarily for myself, but would love to share the journey with you.

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