Let’s share the gold


I found myself trying a variety of things to help myself stay organized—and honestly, a lot of it was trial by fire. Hopefully, by compiling them all on this page (and creating my own printables), I can save you some of the guesswork.

If you find these printables helpful, feel free to share them and tag me @phuynh94 on my social media accounts! I share new & updated designs on occasion. While they remain free of charge on this website, I’d be grateful if you could grab me a coffee or support me on Etsy.

(Note: Some of these are affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. I include resources that I have personally used—often for several years—and genuinely hope will be helpful for you. You are always welcomed to purchase via another link. Please read my full disclaimer + disclosures for more information.)

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Hi there, I'm


I am a resident physician who enjoys writing about her life in between deadlines, kitten cuddles, and caffeine-fueled adventures. I write primarily for myself, but would love to share the journey with you.

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和諧 不是一百個人說同一番話 和諧 是一百個人說一百句不同的一番話之余 而又互相尊重。 Translated: Harmony isn’t about a hundred people saying the same words. It’s about a hundred people saying different words, but

“The American way of life is an illusionary kind of experience, that the price demanded for the security and abundance it pretends to offer is

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